Call for the Summer School at International University of Andalucia (UNIA) — “Emotions in Difficult Times” (4-6 sept, 2024)

Every year, the UNIA celebrates its Summer Courses in the different University centers, La Rábida, Baeza, Málaga, and Seville. This year, on 4, 5, and 6 September, the Baeza campus will host, in on-site modality, the International Course - Encounter "EMOTIONS IN DIFFICULT TIMES: A Look from the social sciences". This International Course – Encounter... Continue Reading →

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2nd Feeling Meeting

The Feeling Meetings Series is a space for sharing, exchange, and gathering. It is a 90-minute event designed to encourage participation (similar to a café setting). The event begins with a brief motivation/introduction and is followed by an open exchange aimed at facilitating networking and agendas. With this series of events, we seek to establish... Continue Reading →

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Call for papers: Violence and Emotions — In: Violence: An international journal

Violence: An international journal is launching a call for papers on the theme “Violence and emotions. Towards a description of everyday violence”. This special issue will be coordinated by guest editor Adrian Scribano, University of Buenos Aires, CONICET, Gino Germani Research Institute. For its general articles’ section, Violence: An international journal is also welcoming papers that deal with... Continue Reading →

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WG08 electoral results

The ISA WG08 election concluded with the formation of a new Executive Board. Winners include Adrián Scribano as President and Pedro Lisdero as Secretary-Treasurer among others. Next up is the ISA World Congress starting next week in Melbourne.


Dear WG08 Followers and Members, following the time line for the elections, the Nominating Committee checked and, later, together with the current Executive Board, collected information about all the nominees for the Executive Board for 2023-2027. This week the active WG08 members will receive by email the electoral document with (i) the information about the... Continue Reading →

Nancy Whittier’s conference June 2nd 2023 (online)

El Laboratorio sobre Activismos y Alternativas de Base, con el apoyo del CEIICH-UNAM y del IIS-UNAM, invita a la primera conferencia del Seminario permanente en Emociones, Activismo y Cambio Social. La invitata de esta primera conferencia será NANCY WHITTIER, quien nos hablará de Emociones y Activismo Feminista. Viernes 2 de junio a las 10AM (hora... Continue Reading →

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